{"Flag":"flag_missing","Description":"Missing lithologic interval"} {"Flag":"flag_no_depths","Description":"All lithologic intervals have depths of 0 ('from' and 'to')"} {"Flag":"flag_zero_zero","Description":"Any lithologic interval that has a depth of 0 to 0 (only marks a single interval)"} {"Flag":"flag_overruns","Description":"Any lithologic interval has both depths of 0 ('from' and 'to'). Possibly a second entry for a single interval, 'overrun' interval (marks all intervals for a well)"} {"Flag":"flag_bottom_unit","Description":"All 'from' depths are 0, end depths are not (except possibly the first).Problem: The original log shows only the bottom of a unit (fix in GWELLS)"} {"Flag":"flag_bedrock","Description":"Interval where Bedrock occurs with any other primary term"} {"Flag":"flag_bedrock_position","Description":"A non-bedrock category occurs *below* a bedrock category"} {"Flag":"flag_boulders","Description":"Interval where Boulders occur with any other primary term"} {"Flag":"flag_missing_cats","Description":"No categories were extracted from the cleaned lithologic interval"} {"Flag":"flag_yield","Description":"Lithology where there are both depths and yields, but the number of yield measures do not match up with the number of depth measures (thus `yield` and `depths` are NA). Problem: there is a problem in the original log (i.e. missing a depth, or the depth is a range)or there is a problem with the extract algorithm. This only applies to Hydrostratigraphy."} {"Flag":"flag_extra_digits","Description":"Lithology with extra digits which were not converted to a yield or depth. This only applies to Hydrostratigraphy."}